Harry Potter: Magic Awakened for PC is the follow up of the successful Harry Potter movie franchise. The story and game are more adventures based on Harry's experiences in the magical realm. You play as Harry Potter, a normal student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, who after discovering an object called "dementor" attacks an unsuspecting Tonks family and then runs away. But when Harry gets caught into the midst of a diabolical plot he has to save the world and start over. Not only known for its popularity, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened for PC is a free download game that is highly optimized and features a user-friendly interface.
This PC game is a sequel of the best-selling Harry Potter movie franchise based on the books written by J.K. Rowling. This PC game comes with its own story line that takes you deep into Harry Potter's adventure. If you love to read and have a passion for gaming, this is the game for you as you find adventure and excitement in every step of the game.
This PC game is a free download game that is full of excitement and imagination. If you enjoy games that are full of action, puzzles and adventure, you will definitely love playing Harry Potter: Magic Awakened for PC. If you want a free game that is full of fun and entertainment, this is it.